
Art conservation and restorer Michaela Anselmini hails from Italy where she studied and worked in the field of art restoration and conservation, earning the respect of renowned galleries and artists in Europe.

In the beginning of the 90’s she graduated from the Artistic school in Italy summa cum laude and was certified as coservation restorer of antique and modern art by Vedeco. In the studio and under the guidance of Comolli Luca and Renate Knes, she gained her initial experience until she opened her own studio in Milan.

Casa Indonesia, People: Kenali Sosok yang Merestorasi Lukisan Raden Saleh ini!, by Fauzan Aziz

The Passion

Michaela’s passion for art and warm open personality is infectious while her impeccable reputation and wealth of knowledge makes her an asset to the art world. She continually updates her knowledge by attending various workshops in art restoration and conservation. This ensures she is up to date about the latest techniques and also expands her abilities in order to remain challenged.

Coming from a family of second generation carpenters cemented her work ethics and gave her an understanding and love for anything handmade since early childhood.

Cerita Konservator Italia Restorasi Mahakarya Lee Man Fong, by Tia Agnes
Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, Jakarta, Lee Man Fong giant masterpiece restoration project, July 2019-2020. Photo courtesy of Humanika Art Space, Bandung.

Methods and services provided by Michaela include digital documentation, ultraviolet scanning, resin embedment, anti fungal treatments, hot and cold relining of canvases, and enzyme or anionic cleansing.

She can even give gold, silver and copper items a good gilding by using the gauche method. In actual fact, Michaela can do all of this and much more. Conservation and Restoration is her field of expertise.

Michaela is the official restorer of Europalia “Power and Other Things” exhibition, 18th October 2017 – 21 January 2018 Brussels, Belgium;

Honored to be the first art restorer ever hired by the Kraton, Sultan Palace, Yogyakarta in 2019.

In July 2019 she started a one-year conservation project for Kempinski Hotel Jakarta on Lee Man Fong masterpiece belonging to Hotel Indonesia collection initiated by Ir. Soekarno.

On 23rd September 2019 she started one year training program on 2 selected students graduated at KK Seni Rupa ITB Bandung with the patronage of Italian Embassy, Istituto Italiano di Cultura Jakarta and ITB Bandung. The training was sponsored by PT Lyra Akrelux in a form of scholarship for the two students.

The Studio